Comments on: Get Paid $1000 to Eat Bacon for a Day: Here’s How to Apply Instantly… Mon, 08 Jul 2024 16:22:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: the sore typist Sun, 08 Sep 2019 11:02:22 +0000 I Really like these great ideas and info about how to put extra cash in our pockets, however ,,trying to join many of these sites is tricky,,,many i cant get past the first log in. many say this or that mostly not doing anything but waste time, go through a long sign up process , these are the sites you have to sign up ,entire process every time, which with my estimate is a serious waste of time, surveys that kick you off because , of not shopping enough, or spending enough, or really being honest about these things , I am doing surveys , but all ive gotten is a few dollars , a very sore typing shoulder , and not a cent more than the lowball surveys , I live on a low disability chk, and though I apreciate the money pantry and its ideas, everyone needs to be prepared for many growing pains if youre trying to at least just trying to make , I cant blame money pantry , because they are trying to help, both sides , although much of this is a bit sugar coated,,, LOL i made 3 cents for reviews …think Ill buy a new auto mobile… but I guess everyone should keep looking around here , it sounds good but mostly its getting ridiculously shabby , when rewards are only a few cents for typing hours, and in my case a really sore neck and hands
