Comments on: How to Make Money Recycling Plastic (Step by Step Guide for 2024) Tue, 02 Jan 2024 18:03:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Sun, 16 Oct 2022 12:39:26 +0000 California’s CRV went up in July of this year and the state sent out the CRV value updates to the recycling facilities to lower the price paid for CRV labeled products. and truthfully speaking, as a resident of California; we have never gotten what we paid out, back at all. So, in July the CRV purchase price went up and the recycling value on CRV products went down. Also, we don’t call it a bottle deposit. We call it a CRV (California Redemption Value.) and it is not even close to what they take from us. I boycotted all of the products with CRV as of the first of July and would advise everyone to do the same in states that do not offer an even return. This way the companies that bow down to state mandates that just rip off the residents in their state will feel the pressure from the lack of sales in those states. Don’t get me wrong now, I’m all for recycling. I’m against being miss treated by my state for trying to save the planet.
