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Dog from Mythology coloring pages

Free printable dog coloring pages featuring dogs from mythology.


Famous Mythological Dogs

  1. Argos coloring pageArgos: While not a mythical creature, Argos is a famous dog from Homer's "Odyssey." He is Odysseus' faithful dog who waits for his master to return from his long journey. Despite being old and neglected, Argos recognizes Odysseus upon his return, demonstrating his loyalty and perseverance.
  2. coloring page of Finn and his hunting dog BranBran: Loyal companion to the Irish hero, Fingal. Bran was known for his incredible speed, strength, and intelligence. These traits made him an invaluable ally to Fingal and the Fianna, especially in hunting and combat scenarios. Bran represents the ideal qualities of a companion in Celtic mythology. His stories emphasize the themes of loyalty, bravery, and the deep connection between humans and their animal companions.
  3. Cavall coloring pageCavall: In Welsh mythology, particularly associated with the tales of King Arthur, Cavall was Arthur's dog. According to the tale, Arthur used Cavall to hunt the supernatural boar Twrch Trwyth.
  4. cerberus coloring pageCerberus: Cerberus is a three-headed dog from Greek mythology who guards the entrance to the underworld. He is known for his fierce loyalty and his ferocious nature, and is a formidable obstacle for anyone seeking to enter or leave the realm of the dead.
  5. Gelert coloring pageGelert: Part of Welsh legend, Gelert is the faithful hound of Prince Llewelyn the Great. The legend tells of how Gelert was wrongly killed by Llewelyn under the suspicion of attacking Llewelyn's son, only to discover later that Gelert had actually saved the child from a wolf. This story is a poignant lesson in hasty judgment and the bond between a man and his dog.
  6. Laelaps coloring pageLaelaps: In Greek mythology, Laelaps was a dog that always caught what he was hunting. A gift from Zeus to Europa, Laelaps was destined to catch anything it pursued, which led to a paradox when he was set to chase the Teumessian fox that could never be caught.
  7. Xolotl coloring pageXolotl: In Aztec mythology, Xolotl was the god of lightning and death, often depicted as a man with the head of a dog. Xolotl was associated with the underworld and was believed to guide the souls of the deceased to their final resting place. Though not a dog in the traditional sense, the canine imagery is strongly linked to him.
  8. coloring page of Fenrir the wolfFenrir: Fenrir is a monstrous wolf from Norse mythology who is destined to play a key role in the events leading up to Ragnarok, the end of the world. He is known for his incredible strength and his uncontrollable rage, and is feared by both gods and humans.
  9. Egypt coloring pageAnubis: Anubis is an Egyptian god who is often depicted as a jackal or a dog. He is the god of mummification and the afterlife, and is known for his role in guiding the souls of the dead through the underworld. Anubis is a complex and multi-dimensional figure, and has been revered and worshipped by many cultures over the centuries.


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