Printable Coloring Pages
From easiest to most difficult

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[Alphabetical order]   [Order of Difficulty]

Color by letters worksheets in order of difficulty:

Cat color by letters worksheetCat
color by letters coloring page
Pot of gold color by letters worksheetPot of Gold
color by letters coloring page
Dinosaur color by letters worksheetDinosaur
color by letters coloring page
House color by letters worksheetHouse
color by letters coloring page 
Bird color by letters worksheetBird
color by letters coloring page
Star color by letters worksheetStar
color by letters coloring page
Angel color by letters worksheet Angel
color by letters coloring page
Frog color by letters worksheetFrog
color by letters coloring page
(cursive letters)
Shark color by letters worksheetShark
color by letters coloring page
Bear color by letters worksheetBear
color by letters coloring page
Elf color by letters worksheetElf
color by letters coloring page (E, L, F)
Spider color by letters worksheetSpider
color by letters coloring page

Bear color by letters worksheetBear
color by letters coloring page
(cursive letters)
Snake color by letters worksheetSnake
color by letters coloring page


Color by numbers worksheets by level of difficulty

Alien color by numbers worksheetAlien
color by numbers coloring page
Cross color by numbers worksheetCross (good for Easter)
color by numbers coloring page    
Autumn Leaves color by numbers worksheetAutumn Leaves
color by numbers coloring page
Butterfly color by numbers worksheetButterfly
color by numbers coloring page
Penguin color by numbers worksheetPenguin
color by numbers coloring page
puffins color by numbers worksheetPuffin
color by numbers coloring page
Fish color by numbers worksheetFish
color by numbers coloring page
Tree color by numbers worksheetTree
color by numbers coloring page
Beach color by numbers worksheetBeach
color by numbers coloring page
Bat color by numbers worksheetBat
color by numbers coloring page
Frog color by numbers worksheetFrog
color by numbers coloring page


Color by math:

Penguin color by math worksheetPenguin
color by math coloring page
puffin color by math worksheetPuffin
color by math
(addition equations)


Color-by-number or letter pages are fun and educational activities for kids. Color-by-number or letter pages offer several benefits, making them a fantastic activity for both kids and adults. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Stress Reduction: Following a simple and structured task like coloring can help reduce stress and anxiety. It's a form of escapism that allows individuals to focus on the moment and not on their daily pressures.
  2. Improves Motor Skills: This activity requires a combination of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. The precise nature of coloring within the lines helps in the development and strengthening of these skills.
  3. Enhances Number and Letter Recognition: Color-by-number or letter pages are educational tools that assist in teaching children how to recognize numbers and letters. This can be particularly useful for young learners as they visually connect the symbol with the color.
  4. Promotes Creativity: While the coloring areas are defined, choosing colors allows for creative expression. Kids and adults can experiment with different color schemes and shades, which enhances their artistic abilities.
  5. Increases Focus and Concentration: Completing a color-by-number or letter page requires focus and concentration as it involves matching specific colors to their corresponding numbers or letters. This practice can improve attention to detail and lengthen the attention span.
  6. Provides a Sense of Accomplishment: Completing a coloring page provides a sense of achievement. This can boost self-esteem and confidence, especially in children, as they see a tangible result from their effort.
  7. Mindfulness and Relaxation: Coloring can be a meditative activity that promotes mindfulness. It helps individuals remain present and can be very calming, making it a good activity for winding down.
  8. Educational Fun: These pages can be a fun way to learn about different subjects. For example, they can be themed around animals, historical figures, or scientific concepts, subtly providing educational content in an enjoyable way.
  9. Improves Patience and Perseverance: Coloring within the lines takes time and patience, especially with complex designs. This can help in cultivating patience and the ability to focus on a task until completion.
  10. Social Interaction: Although often an individual activity, color-by-number or letter can also be a social activity, whether in a classroom setting or at home with family, fostering communication and cooperation among participants.