Printable Coloring Pages
Arctic Tundra Coloring Pages

The Arctic Tundra is located within the Arctic Circle, near the north pole. As a result of the cold temperatures of the North, the Arctic Tundra is a large and barren expanse of land. Very few species of plants and animals are able to survive in the extreme conditions. We have provided a number of coloring pages featuring the animals and plants of the Arctic Tundra. Children can print and color these pages to discover more about the habitat of the Arctic Tundra but these coloring pages are fun for people of all ages!

< Other Habitats

Arctic Tundra Ocean Animals>


Arctic Tundra Land Animals:

arctic fox coloring page
Arctic Fox

Arctic Fox: Imagine a little fox as fluffy as a cloud, with fur that changes color! In the winter, it's as white as snow to hide from bigger animals, but in the summer, it turns brown or gray to match the earth and rocks. Arctic foxes have tiny, sharp faces and big, bushy tails.


Arctic Wolf coloring page
Arctic Wolf
Arctic Wolf: Picture a wolf with a warm, fluffy coat! Arctic wolves are like the dogs you might know but live in very cold places and have thick white fur to keep them cozy. They live in packs, like a big, furry family that hunts together.


Caribou coloring page
Caribou: Caribou, also known as reindeer, have big antlers that look like tree branches. They wear a thick, brown coat that keeps them warm, and they love to travel in large groups across the snowy lands, looking for food.


ermine coloring page
Ermine: Ermines are known for their striking white winter coat, which helps them blend into snowy environments, and their black-tipped tails. In the summer, their fur changes to a brown color on the back with a white underside, adapting their camouflage to the changing seasons. These agile and fierce hunters are well adapted to the cold and play an important role in the ecosystem as predators of small mammals, such as rodents and rabbits.


lemming coloring page
Lemming: Lemmings are tiny, round rodents with soft, brown fur. They're very important in the Arctic because lots of other animals like to eat them! Despite their size, they're known for being brave and adventurous.


Musk ox coloring page
Musk Ox
Musk Ox: Musk oxen are like big, furry boulders with long, curved horns. They have a shaggy brown coat that almost touches the ground, which keeps them very warm. They like to stick together in groups to stay safe from predators.


polar bear coloring page
Polar Bear
Polar Bear: Polar bears are the giants of the Arctic, with thick, white fur that helps them blend into the snowy world. They're strong swimmers and can catch fish with their big paws. Despite their size, they're very good at moving quietly on the ice.


Reindeer coloring page
Reindeer: Reindeer are highly migratory and are known for their long seasonal migrations, which are among the longest of any terrestrial mammal. They move across the tundra in large herds, searching for their favorite foods, which include lichens, grasses, and shrubs. In the winter, they are particularly dependent on a type of lichen known as "reindeer moss," which they are able to dig through deep snow to find.


snowshoe hare coloring page
Snowshoe Hare

Arctic Hare: This is a bunny that loves the cold! Arctic hares have thick, white fur that makes them look like a snowball with long ears. They are great at hopping fast across the snow to find food and escape from predators.

The Snowshoe Hare (Lepus americanus) is found primarily in North America, from the northeastern United States across Canada and into Alaska. It's named for its large hind feet that are well adapted to walking on snow, much like snowshoes. The Snowshoe Hare is known for its seasonal color change, with brown fur in the summer that turns white in the winter to blend into snowy environments.

The Arctic Hare (Lepus arcticus), on the other hand, lives in the Arctic regions of Canada and Greenland. It is adapted to much colder environments and is typically white year-round, which helps it blend into the icy and snowy landscape of the high Arctic tundra. The Arctic Hare is larger and has shorter ears than the Snowshoe Hare, adaptations that help reduce heat loss.



Arctic Tundra Ocean Animals>